Some additional details about the website
This is a website (and github repository) of data and code for our work about pattern of HIV related hospital admissions to QECH in Blantyre, Malawi from 2012 to 2019.
We are the Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Population Health group; a group of reseachers affiliated with Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, College of Medicine at University of Malawi and University of Sheffield.
This analysis was a collaborative work with other groups at MLW (including the data department), the Malawi National HIV programme and Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital.
Some more information about our research group is available at Dr Peter MacPherson’s group manual here .
If you have any questions, we’d be very happy to discuss. A good first port of call is probably rachael.burke [at] lshtm [dot] ac [dot] uk.